For an easy to understand explanation of how to start a relationship with God,
go to The Gospel.
To understand what to do after we have a relationship with God,
go to New to Jesus.
To learn some helpful tips for navigating our new relationship with God,
go to Tips.
These are the Tips that you will learn:
USING THE BIBLE - An explanation of how to find bible verses in a handheld Bible and in an online Bible.
NEW TO CHURCH - An explanation of what to expect when attending a church for the first time.
READ THE BIBLE - Some ideas on how to begin reading the Bible.
STUDY - A lesson about good study habits.
SCRIPTURE MEMORY - A lesson about memorizing Bible verses.
DAILY THOUGHTS ABOUT SHARING THE GOSPEL - A list of thoughtful reminders to share the Gospel.
BIBLE BOOK STUDIES - Some deeper Bible studies.
To study some of the basic teachings of the Bible,
go to Truths.
These are the Truths that you will learn:
1) BIG PICTURE - A summary of the Bible.
2) UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE - A lesson about the origin of the Bible and how to study it.
3) GOD IS TRIUNE - A lesson about God eternally existing as Three Persons.
4) GOD CREATED MANKIND - A lesson about God creating humans.
5) GOD IS HOLY - A lesson about the holiness of God.
6) MANKIND IS SINFUL - A lesson about how humans became sinful.
7) SIN EARNS DEATH - A lesson about the consequences of sin.
8) JESUS TOOK OUR PUNISHMENT - A lesson about Jesus Christ and what He did for us.
9) TURN AND TRUST - A lesson about how to receive what Jesus did for us.
10) KNOW FOR SURE - A lesson about how we can know for sure that we have a relationship with God.
11) JESUS SAVES FOREVER - A lesson about how our relationship with God lasts forever.
12) SAVED TO SERVE - A lesson about the purpose for which Jesus saved us.
13) MORE THAN SAVED - A lesson about all the blessings that Jesus gave us when we believed the Gospel.
14) PART OF HIS BODY - A lesson about the church.
15) LEARNING TO DISCERN - A lesson about the warnings about false teachings.
16) CONFORMED TO CHRIST - A lesson about becoming more like Jesus.
To learn how to change and grow in your new relationship with God,
go to Topics.
At that link you will learn about topics that will help you to become more mature in your relationship with God.
These are the Topics:
INTEGRITY - A lesson about the importance of maintaining integrity in our relationship with God and others.
SPENDING TIME WITH GOD - A lesson about how to daily spend time with God.
HOW TO PRAY - A lesson on how to pray.
HOW TO COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY - A lesson about how to talk with and listen to people in a way that honors God.
HOW TO RECONCILE WITH PEOPLE - A lesson about how to maintain peaceful relationships with people.
REPRESENTING CHRIST - A lesson about how to represent Christ as a Christian, husband, father, wife, mother, child, sibling, at work, at church, and with the lost.
EVANGELISM - A lesson about telling others about how they can have a relationship with God.
HOW TO DEFEND THE FAITH - A lesson about how to answer common objections to the Gospel.
PRIDE AND HUMILITY - A lesson about the dangers of pride and the value of humility.
HOW TO ENCOURAGE - A lesson about how to encourage people.
DEALING WITH TRIALS & TEMPTATIONS - A lesson about how to respond to trials and temptations.
CHANGING OUR HEARTS - A lesson about how to change our hearts.
SELF-CONTROL - A lesson about how to control our thoughts and emotions regarding worry, fear, lust, and anger.
SPIRITUAL GIFTS - A lesson about spiritual gifts.
HOW TO DISCIPLE SOMEONE - A lesson about how to help others grow in the Lord.
A STRATEGY FOR MAKING DISCIPLES - A lesson about how to intentionally make disciples within our sphere of influence.
EVANGELIST - A lesson about the role of an Evangelist.
REGARDING THOSE ABANDONING THE FAITH - A lesson about how to deal with those who abandon the faith.
STEWARDSHIP - A lesson about the importance of stewarding what God has entrusted to us.
PLANS AND PRIORITIES - A lesson about how to make plans in light of biblical priorities.
MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE - A lesson about marriage, divorce, and topics concerning them.
LEADERSHIP - A lesson about being a godly church leader.
ADVICE - Instruction for living a successful Christian life.
USING THE LAW LAWFULLY - A lesson about how believers in Jesus should view the Law of Moses.
HOW TO TEACH AND PREACH - A lesson about how to share the Word of God.
BECOMING A MISSIONARY - A lesson about how to become a missionary.
SERVING IN YOUR LOCAL CHURCH - Considerations concerning serving in a local church.
PASTOR - A lesson about the role of a Pastor.
HOW TO FACILITATE SMALL GROUPS - A lesson about how to facilitate small groups.
To learn how to help others grow in the Lord, go to Training.
To learn more about Who God is, go to God.
At that link you will learn all about the attributes of God and see where to find those attributes in the Bible.
These are the attributes of God that you will learn about:
OMNISCIENCE - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God knows all things.
OMNIPRESENCE - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is everywhere.
OMNIPOTENCE - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God has all power.
SOVEREIGNTY - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God rules over all things.
INDEPENDENCE - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God has no needs.
IMMUTABILITY - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God does not change.
HOLINESS - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is separated from everything.
ETERNALITY - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God exists forever.
TRANSCENDENCE - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is above all things.
INFINITY - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is infinite.
SPIRITUALITY - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is spiritual.
INVISIBILITY - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is invisible.
TRUTHFULNESS - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is the truth.
FAITHFULNESS - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is faithful.
WISDOM - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is wise.
JEALOUSY - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is jealous.
RIGHTEOUSNESS - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is righteous.
WRATH - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God hates evil.
KINDNESS - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is kind.
GOODNESS - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is good.
LOVE - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is love.
MERCIFULNESS - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is merciful.
GRACIOUSNESS - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is gracious.
PATIENCE - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is patient.
PEACEFULNESS - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is peaceful.
HUMILITY - A list of bible verses demonstrating that God is humble.