An explanation of what to expect when attending a church for the first time.
Before You Go
Many churches have a website so you can read about them and their services before you go there. Some churches record their services onto their website. Some congregations, however, may be slow to update their website, so you may need to call the church office to confirm their service times. Some advertise their service times on a sign in front of their building as well.
What is a church building?
A church building usually is marked by a cross above it and/or on the walls or windows. Some churches in inner cities meet in a common rented building, school building, theater, or storefront.
When you enter…
Usually, someone will be there to greet you. This person can help you navigate the building and find the restroom. The greeter will explain what services the church offers and where to attend them. He or she can help you find any needed ministries for children and teens that the church has to offer. Often, the greeter will introduce you to the pastor. The gathering meet in the sanctuary (auditorium or chapel) to worship God together. They will provide benches (pews), chairs, or even bleachers (if the church meets in a school). Usually, in the front of the sanctuary, there is a platform (stage) where there may be musical instruments and maybe a pulpit (lectern) from which the pastor will preach.
during the service
Usually, there will be ushers. Each church and service is unique. Service duration may vary greatly.
For Sunday mornings- Typically, the service will start with a greeting, an announcement, or a worship song that everyone sings together. The song will be projected onto the front screen or found in a book (hymnal) that is provided. If you have trouble finding the song in the book, ask the person next to you for help. Some churches provide a time for people to shake hands and greet one another. This can be followed with more singing and a time of prayer. Later, they may take an offering. This is a time when members of the church will give some money to the work of the church. Ushers will usually pass a basket or plate around for people to give money as an act of worship to God. These funds are used typically to help the poor, fund the building facilities, pastors, church staff, missionaries, and other ministries of the church. You are not under any obligation to give any money. You do not have to pay to attend church. Church is free. After a couple more songs, then the pastor, an elder, or guest speaker, will stand up front and preach a message (sermon) from the Bible as the congregation (the people gathered together to worship) listens. He may pray before and after his sermon. Afterwards, there is usually another worship song and then, a parting word or Bible verse. Some churches have a booth in the back of the church, where there is a an individual or team running all of the sound, video, and lights during the service.
Some churches have a Sunday School class or Adult Bible Fellowship before or after the morning worship time. People in the class will study a book of the Bible or a topic together. Some churches have a fellowship time between services that may include coffee, a snack, or a meal. Also during the worship service, churches may have alternate classes for children and teenagers.
During some of the Sunday morning services, there will be a time to celebrate communion. The ushers will pass out pieces of bread or crackers and cups of juice or wine for people to eat and drink together in memory of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. The pastor usually will give very clear instructions about this. Some churches will only allow their members to take part in communion, while others will allow any believers to take part.
During some of the Sunday morning services, there will be a time when someone will be baptized in front of everyone. The person and the pastor/elder will be in a pool of water. The pastor/elder will explain what is happening. The person will profess his/her faith in Christ and then be submerged into the water. Some churches may do this differently.
For Sunday nights- Some churches will have a second service during the evening that is much like the first. The church may sometimes have a business meeting to discuss the business and ministries of the church. Some churches have a youth group, where teenagers come together to study the Bible, have fun, and build healthy relationships.
For Wednesday nights- Some churches will have a time of prayer and Bible study. Some have a children’s Bible program. Some youth groups may meet during this time as well.
Other nights- Some churches have small community groups where church members meet in a home to study the Bible, fellowship, and maybe share a meal. These are a great way to better get to know the people of the church. Also, some churches may have a discipleship program, where a church member will meet with you to teach you a series of lessons about how to follow Jesus better.
People who can help
Any greeter, or usher, or church secretary can help you know about the church. The church’s website can be a big help as well. During the week, the church usually has office hours when the pastors and church staff are available to answer your questions.
If you are looking for a church to attend, you can find one here.