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LESSON FOURTEEN - Part of His Body


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As you read this lesson, be sure to hover over the the Bible verses to read them or look them up in your own Bible. When the Bible passage is longer, you need to click on “more” in the bottom right corner of the pop-up window.

If going to church doesn’t save us, then what’s the point of going to church?

  1. The moment that we believe in Jesus, He baptizes us with His Spirit, so that we will belong to Him. John 1:32-34 (NKJV); Romans 8:9 (NASB) Compare translations and the original language

    Jesus owns us.

  2. The moment we trust in Jesus, God identifies us as belonging to Jesus by spiritually baptizing us with His Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:12-13 (ESV) Compare translations and the original language

    Praise God for not leaving us as orphans! He has put Himself in our lives forever!

  3. The spiritual body of Jesus is called the church. Ephesians 5:23-27 (NASB) Compare translations and the original language

    We are the body of Christ!

  4. The Spirit of God made you a spiritual member of the spiritual body of Jesus. Romans 12:5 (KJV) Compare translations and the original language

    Church is not a place where we attend, but rather, a group of people to whom we belong.

  5. Anyone who believes in Jesus is a part of Christ’s spiritual body, the Church. 1 Corinthians 1:2 (ESV) Compare translations and the original language

    We have brothers and sisters in Christ all around the world.

  6. When a community of believers assemble themselves together as an organized group, they are called a local church. 1 Corinthians 11:18 (NKJV) Compare translations and the original language

    A local church is not merely Christians casually coming together. It is more than that.

  7. A local church has elders. Elders are spiritually qualified men who lead the church. They are also called pastors, overseers, bishops, and shepherds. Acts 14:23 (KJV) Compare translations and the original language

    We need pastors to teach us the Bible so that we can teach it to others.

  8. A local church has deacons. Deacons are spiritually qualified men who assist the elders in meeting the physical needs of the church. Philippians 1:1 (NASB) Compare translations and the original language

    What are some ways that deacons can help the elders?

  9. The early followers of Jesus met together in houses. Romans 16:5 (NASB) Compare translations and the original language

    Thank God for the freedom to gather publicly with other Christians without persecution.

  10. Present-day followers of Jesus usually assemble themselves in a building that people call a church. According to the Bible, believers are the church. The local church technically is not the building. Revelation 1:11 (ESV) Compare translations and the original language

    We should interact with church members more than just on Sunday mornings.

  11. When believers come together as a local church, they worship God, listen to the preaching of the Word, teach, encourage, and pray for one another, and observe the church ordinance of Communion (remember that Jesus’ body and blood was shed for them), and baptism. Acts 2:42, 46 (NASB) Compare translations and the original language

    How can we be encouraging one another daily?


If we are worshipping God in spirit and truth, then we will serve Him in a local church.

  1. God saved you so that you would join other believers (a local church) in following Jesus by being baptized in water.
    Acts 2:41 (KJV); Acts 2:47 (KJV)

    As we become children of God, it is clear from Scripture that we are to be baptized and join a church.

  2. When we are baptized in water, we physically demonstrate that we belong to Jesus and that we already have been baptized by His Spirit.
    Romans 6:3-5 (NKJV)

    Why wouldn’t believers want to show everyone that they are following Jesus?

  3. When we go under the surface of the water during baptism, we are publicly identifying with Jesus and His people even if it means that we might be persecuted. Revelation 12:11 (NASB)

    Jesus is worthy of our allegiance to Him and to His people!

  4. Believers need us to help them grow. Ephesians 4:14-16 (NASB)

    When we stay away from our local church we are keeping fellow-believers from growing.

  5. We need the fellowship of other believers. Hebrews 3:12-13 (KJV)

    We need fellow-believers to speak truth lovingly into our lives.

  6. God does not want us to neglect being active members of a local church. Hebrews 10:23-25 (NASB)

    We need God’s people more and more each day.

Consider memorizing one of the following passages (in whichever translation you prefer) as a summary of this lesson: 1 Corinthians 12:13 (NASB) or 1 Corinthians 12:27 (ESV) or Galatians 3:28 (KJV) or Hebrews 10:24-25 (NKJV)


Practice makes permanent. The more we share the Gospel, the more we understand how to better share the Gospel.

We tend to get discouraged when we “mess up” sharing the Gospel. The only way to “mess up” is by not sharing at all or sharing out of a wrong attitude.

The worst thing anyone could say about us is not as bad as what is actually true about us. Jesus truly knows us, but He willingly died for us anyway.

The worst thing that could ever happen to us already happened to Jesus on our behalf when He was on the cross. We must not let fear keep us from sharing the Gospel message!

Evangelism is an opportunity to worship God. May we bring Him honor and glory to the fullest!

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Bible References

Read the Bible in your own language here courtesy of

Read about the Authorized King James Version (AKJV) here and its copyright here courtesy of

Read about the King James Version (KJV) here and its copyright here courtesy of

Read about the New King James Version (NKJV) here and its copyright here courtesy of

Read about the New American Standard Bible (NASB) here and its copyright here courtesy of

Read about the English Standard Version (ESV) here and its copyright here courtesy of

Read the Bible in its original Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek languages or Septuagint couresty of BLB

The automatic reference tagger courtesy of FaithlifeReftagger