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Starting and Staying in the Conversation

  1. I’m out with some friends talking to people about how they can know God…

    • What kind of relationship with God would you say you have?…When did you start to believe that way?…What makes you say your relationship with God is good/bad/not where it should be?

    • Based on your understanding, how can we get a relationship with God?

    • What would it take for God to accept someone?

Discussing God is Holy

  1. What do you think it means that God is holy?

  2. How good is God?

  3. How good would we have to be in order to be accepted by God?

  4. How do you compare to God?

Discussing We are Sinful

  1. What is sin?

  2. What keeps us from being holy like God?

  3. What does it mean that we are sinful?

  4. Where did sin come from?

Discussing We Deserve Punishment

  1. As God is holy, why does it matter to Him that we are sinful?

  2. What do you think the punishment is for breaking God’s law?

  3. What does it mean that we owe death for our sin?

  4. If your heart is sinful and God is set apart from sin, then how can you change your heart so that you can know God?

  5. What do you think about the fact that you owe eternal death?

  6. Since you owe death for your sin, then what do you think you can do to change that?

  7. If you can’t pray your sin away, then what can you do?

  8. If you can’t change, then what can you do?

  9. If your righteousness is as filthy rags, then what can you do?

  10. How can you have the holiness required to fellowship with God when you have a nature that alienates you from Him and you owe eternal death for your sinfulness?

Discussing Jesus Took our Punishment

  1. What if I showed you how you can be accepted by God right here and now, and you would never lose that right standing with God?

  2. What would you say is eternal life?

  3. Who do you think Jesus is that He can give us eternal life?

  4. What makes Jesus different from any other human?

  5. If Jesus never sinned, then why did God the Father turn His back on His own Son when He was on the cross?

Discussing We Must Repent & Believe

  1. What is keeping you from trusting in Jesus right here and now?

  2. What will you do with what Jesus did for you?

  3. What is your response to Jesus?

  4. Which person are you in John 3:36?

  5. How must we respond in order to receive what He did for us?

  6. What does it mean to repent and believe?

A Thank-You Prayer

  1. What does the Bible say you must do to be accepted by God?

  2. God wants everyone to be saved, but not everyone will be. On what basis will God accept you?

  3. Why would God accept you if He is not going to accept everyone?

  4. What if you and I would have never met today- would you have known enough to trust Christ?

  5. What if you would have died before we talked- where would you have spent eternity?

  6. You are saying that you are trusting in the Gospel and that Jesus just saved you from the Lake of Fire. If what you are saying is true, then how do you feel about that? Why, not tell Jesus that right now?

Guarantee of Eternal Security

  • What would it take for God to abandon you?

  • Are you or Satan stronger than God the Father? (John 10:29)

Follow Jesus

  • Why did Jesus die for you?

  • If He died for you and rose again, why wouldn’t you want to live for Him?

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